About Me


My name is Jorja. I absolutely love art and books.

I am currently studying Art and Pyscholgy in sixth form. 

What I do

My Portfolio


Statues & Gargoyles

Quick sketches 



Greek mythology 


I find Architecture fasinating. It’s quite literally a time stamp; a physical Reminder From the past showing a movement in time. My love belongs to the old architecture of the ‘Renaissance era’. The immaculate details of the ceilings and statues. The beautiful precision of turning something that is a nessesity like shelter into some thing extravagant like art. When looking into Architecture myself I was drawn to artists like Ann Desmet and Phoebe Atkey. Both with bold detailed art styles. I loved exploring their work in diffrent ways using pens and etchings to experiment with what created effective work. 

Statues & Gargoyles

This was one of my favourite projects to work on. Investigating into famous artists like ‘michael-Angelo ‘ and ’Rodin’ was interesting. I found although they have the title of being famous for a reason I was still highly impressed with how they created such raw, sensual sculptures with such a finte media like marble; extrordinarly amazing! 
I was able to use a wide range of diffrent media’s in this project. Felt, Prisma Pencils, Pen, Etching,Collage, Lino printing, photographic etchings , pencil, acrylic paint; to name a few.

Quick Sketches

Fun everyday sketches 

A big thing I like to do in my free time is to draw quick sketvhes either from photos online or a people I see while I’m out. This is a very important process in my art progression as it helps gaining experience of everyday items and their forms. Drawing quick sketches without the need for perfection is something that has helped me let go of the limitations my mind puts up and focus more on getting whatever information my eyes are seeing and transporting this onto a page.

Life drawing

A class I attend every Saturday. An amazing Experinces to understand human form in a way not many people have access to due to the taboo nature of naked body. This class takes away the awkwardness of simple human form and allows me to understand the diffrent ways our bodies move and catch light. I have been able to capture a variety of people in countless poses and every single drawing is unique, which I find really interesting. We are able to explore technique with uses rubbers to add in light areas. Or using colours and view finders to make proporations accurate. Life drawings is a very helpful technique as you have very limited time to get your marks down on your pages before your model moves on to another pose. This is helpful like my quick sketches as it takes away the pressure of every mark having to be perfect as you just want something down in the end.


Experimenting with different media‘s. (Prima pencil, oil paint, acrylic paint, pencils)

Portraiture was the very first thing that bought me into my love of art. I love how expressive the face can be; telling a story without the need for words . Quite similar to that of book; painting a picture through words. 


Greek Mythology 

Greek Mythology, the theme for my Extended, Project, Qualification.  Which was to Create a Classical style statue/sculpture based on Greek Mythology. These photos are taken for. My project sketchbook where I drew pictures from my researched based on the Greek gods and their myths. 

‘Medusa‘ statue 

‘Hercules‘ statue

Making my statue‘s


A video time-lapse of my 6 months spent working on building my Medusa Clay head along with researching her myths


My EPQ Sketchbook


expert  with clay and moulding my hand. My project of architecture took me into the sculotural rote and experimenting with how artist get such detail and solid media’s. 

Artistic photography

My friend and I produced our own photoshoot 

Experimenting with lighting and adding paint to my face. Aswell as diffrent positions and angles. 

Current Project

I am currently working on a new project titled ‘books and manuscripts’

I am taking inspiration from the Harry Potter books and illustration my own animals and will soon create my own Harry Potter book covers from my own style 

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